Thursday, February 21, 2013

God is Good...

Since my last post on 2/3/2013, a great deal has gone on...  a change

1st - A.C.T.S. Retreat
                 .... Yup!  I'm speechless!  God has been so good to me throughout my years but on this retreat, I felt him present.  It was the best feeling in the world and something that can never be taken from me.  Let me begin by telling you how I almost let this wonderful opportunity pass.  During the week of the 4th, my good friend sent me a text asking if I was still interested in attending the retreat because I had not submitted my application.  I said yes but did not have time to submit my paperwork and would like to know if I am able to attend.  She then sent a text that said yes.  In my mind, I was procrastinating and really... did not want to go.  I thought well, she's gone through all this trouble I will submit the paper work but how am I going to get the money to them as I am soooo busy that I will not have time to drop off the deposit.  My friend is an angel, she sent a text and stated she would give the deposit for me so that I have the chance to go.  All along, God had this in his plan.  I was to attend.  I fought it the whole way, I did not want to go especially knowing that all electronics were to be left at home.  WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Me without my phone, I live with this thing.  No communication to the outside world, not being able to communicate with my children, husband, and mom.  What if an emergency came up, how would I find out!!!!!!!!   After all that fussing and fighting, I attended.  I was a big mess.  I was crying because my family could not drop me off.  I felt as if I was driving myself to prison and no one to give a hug or a kiss goodbye.  I know, a bit dramatic but that is how I truly felt.  In  the end, I had life changing experience; something that I will never forget.  God had a plan for me every step of the way there.  I was so amazed at how present He was during that weekend.  If it wasn't for His plan and all the beautiful women that put this together I would continue to be lost and broken.  At the end of the weekend, we had a mass at Christ the King.  As a walked in, I saw a familiar face but thought no way, my friends live about 3 1/2 hours away, it surely can't be them.  Well, surprise, surprise... my friend and her hubby from back home (now SIC) was in town and decided to come to the mass to support me.  It was a beautiful surprise and I am so grateful for this great friend that I have known for over 13 years.  You have no idea how much that meant to me my dear friend.  Also, thank you to Christ the King Catholic Church and beautiful women of the ACTS Retreat.  I love all my sisters in Christ (SIC), they are all awesome!  I met so many beautiful women and I came out of there with a deeper love for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  One of my goal for this year was to get closer to God.  I am going to continue my new found relationship with my Lord, my God.  By the way, the food was great and the company, even better! 

2nd - I was able to go visit my family and good friends back home.  It is always nice to go back home.  Something about being around mom is always comforting.  I love her so much and appreciate all she does for me and my little family.

3rd - I continue with crossfit.  I have made some gains in my lifts and am pretty proud of myself.  My eating habits haven't changed much but I'm getting better.  As a matter of fact, I had a big slice of cheese cake tonight and it did not sit well.  I made a poor choice but know for next time, just skip the cheese cake.  I also had some wheat bread this morning and it made my tummy make some funny noises...  NOT good! I will make better choices and continue to batch cook so that I am prepared for the week.  I am also going to consult a nutritionist/personal trainer so that I may reach my goal.

Last but not least, I received a sweet gift from one of my SIC yesterday.  It was such a great surprise.  This beautiful gift is a book, Miracle Hour.  It is a powerful book.  Thank you so much Patty for your continued support.  I have Debra, Carmen, Iris, and Marissa to be thankful for on a daily basis for their continued support.  I love you S's IC!

Change is good...
Stayed tuned for some of my adventures :-)

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