Sunday, February 3, 2013


Today is a better day!  Yes today is the superbowl but I am at home where it is free of unhealthy meals that can be associated with this big game day.

Flashback to this past week
This past week has been a struggle.  I'm not sure what is going on with me but I have been in pain in several places of my body.  Some of the pain has been attributed to soreness from the workouts, not a bad pain, nonetheless, pain.  Some of the pain was in my lower abdomen, sore throat, and lower back.  Well, when I am in pain of any sorts I turn to food.  So, guess what I have been doing?  That's right, eating, eating, and eating.  This negative, destructive behavior has caused a downward spiral which led me to my meltdown, yesterday, at the gym.  The workout that was bestowed upon us yesterday, was for time (crossfit), 25 reps of each exercise (about 8) and a 50 yard sprint between exercises.  To some of you, that might not be so bad but it was so hard for me.  When the coach called my time, I said, "I'm not done" he said, "what, did you forget something?"  I started to cry and went down to the ground doing the mountain climbers that were next on the list while thinking, I'm pathetic!  I still had 3 more exercises to go.  When the coach ran up to me, I cried, "I'm not done!"  He said, "it's ok, you can finish this, did you forget something?"  I replied, breathing heavy of course," NO I'm just slow,  I'm so out of shape and heavy!"  He says you are going to get better. At this point, two girls that I started this crossfit journey with ran to me and finished the workout with me (after they had already finished).  The coach and these two wonderful girls were so kind and supportive till the end of the workout.  It is truly a blessing when you can find a gym that is not only close to home but supportive and helpful when needed.

So, today is a great day.  My family and I had a healthy breakfast and went to church.  After church we went to a local meat market and bought some lean steaks to grill for this evening.  I will serve spinach and tomato salad.  I have God to be thankful to for good and bad time.  What doesn't kill me will make me stronger.

I realized that I have gained 10 pounds since October and today is a new start.  I'm going to focus on remaining positive and taking something for pain.  I will also stretch more and use my foam roller.  Until next time!  May God bless you!

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