Thursday, January 24, 2013

Self Discovery


Sorry for not being consistent with blogging.  This is something new for me.  I will try to be better.  Okay, so the new year did not start off very well.  I went through a bit of a slump when my hubby went out of town and now that he is back I am much better.

On a positive note, I started crossfit at Blue Star Crossfit!  I love it!  I was doing something like it before but not to the full extent of crossfit.  One thing about me that needs work (a lot) is getting over fear!  FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real,  so I basically hinder my progress.  Another thing I learned about myself was 1) I don't eat well if I am not working out, 2) I like working out with a group of people.  So this brings me back to the beginning of this year, I was not in a group setting and I was not consistent with my workouts, when I did go to the gym, so I over ate.  I know, pretty pathetic, but I'm learning about myself.

I have now been eating better and have been attending crossfit since Saturday, 1/19/13.  The trainer and crossfitters are GREAT!  In the two classes I have participated I have burned 400 - 600 calories and I am sore!  Now, I just need to keep my eating in check.  I've tried the Paleo way of eating and it is harder than I thought.  I haven't given up on it just yet but would like to get some help.  I don't think I do to well with the fruit, I feel I crave more sugar when I have fruit which leads me to poor eating because I associate the sweet taste of the fruit with bad, not so good for you sweets.  So, I have to cut back on the fruit.  I was thinking of purchasing the book, The 21-Day Sugar Detox, which I think may come in handy but with headaches.  LOL!  I will keep you posted!

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