Saturday, January 5, 2013

For Health

Hello Peeps (don't like the sugar treat that is associated with this name),

So, sometimes I feel like I am misunderstood.  Let me explain...  I started this journey January 2011 right after I got the lab results back from my Doctor.  I was very sad but knew it was my fault and had no one to blame. I was labeled diabetic (A1C - 7.1) with high cholesterol (241).  So the only thing left to do, after I had my moment of self pity, was to buckle down and CHANGE! Yes, that word makes me cringe.  I don't like change, I am a creature of habit and like routine, structure, you get it, the opposite of change.  I managed to lose weight that year with the help of HCG and a great guy who took a chance on my and trained me in exchange for a testimonial.  I knew that after training with him I could workout, eat healthy and look great.  So now after having my labs checked every three months for two years, I have maintained healthy numbers (A1C-6.1 Cholesterol-205). 

Now, you might be thinking, you did change.  You are right, forcefully!  I love my family and feel I would be letting them down if I didn't change.  I have more cheat meals than I should.  I would like to just control my eating and have admirable self-discipline to just say no and walk away.  However, I don't!  So, I am in need of change.  What this means is that I am going to have to research what is best for me and the family as a whole.  I have to start by making a list of the foods that we can eat and go from there.  

As I mentioned on my first post, I started on the 1st of this year with the 48 hour cleanse and it didn't work as well as I had expected.  As a matter of fact, I felt like I was starved.  The 3rd day started off well, with a cup of coffee and some fruit for my morning workout (GISG 12 week workout).  The rest of the day, I ate protein, vegetables, mixed nuts and fruit.  I was a happy camper and did not feel hungry.  The 4th day, started off real well, then it steadily declined as I indulged a little, okay, a lot.  My little family, a family friend and I went out on the town and ate out.  I know, I could have made better choices but fell off the wagon.  So, today was a much better day.  

On another note, my hubby went out of town (work related) and will not be back for a couple of weeks.  So, my challenge to myself is to think, actually think about the foods that are in front of me and decide if it is something I need or something I want, 2nd, make healthy meals for us at home and 3rd work out at least 4 times each week.  I will keep you posted.  

Thanks for reading.  I will be back very soon.  


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