Tuesday, January 1, 2013


January 1, 2013

Verse of the Day:  The LORD's unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. Lamentations 3:22-23

Greetings family, friends, and curious viewers,

I am so excited about my first day to a better me. I will give you a flashback into my life. I have always had a difficult time with my weight. As a child, I was always a big girl, referred to as big bone, pretty face, and my nickname growing up and still is, is "Gordis". I have tried an array of diets that I was successful with but gained my weight back.

Aside from genetics, I have come to terms that it is my eating habits.  I have a love for food but I am also an emotional eater that is addicted to sugar.  Oh, chocolate and sugar together are my drug of choice.  I prefer to eat a dessert over drinking an adult beverage.

This year I plan to pray more, work on making healthy choices, healthy meals and exercise at least four days a week.  Something I'd like to try is the Paleo way of eating.  My hubby bought me a book, The Paleo Diet, for Christmas.  I had mentioned it to him and he surprised me with this book and a couple more books for preparing meals (400 calories) and snacks (100 calories).  Needless to say, my husband is supportive.

I'm ready to take this year on and hopefully conquer some of my goals.  Today I started Dr. Oz's 48 hour cleanse in hopes that I can get rid of some of the forbidden foods that were oh so tasty but not good for me.  Here are some of my goals that I have for this year.  I'm sure that I will add to the list as I blog.

Read the Bible
Lose fat
Gain Lean Muscle
Try Crossfit and stick with it (or an exercise regime of some sort)
Prepare my meals for the week on Sunday
Weigh myself on a weekly basis
Take monthly pictures
Be positive
Stress less

Starting weight: 170.4 (I've gained 7 pounds since Dec. 1st)

Getting the courage to change my eating habits,


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